Kevin Dunham is a commodities trader based in Chicago, USA who has kindly provided cattle and other market intelligence reports to the S.E.Asian beef report.
Kevin provides a wide range of services including daily market intelligence updates and trading services.
In 1974, Kevin joined Conti Commodities, a division of Continental Grain and specialized in institutional futures hedging. Continuing in this path, his career has taken him to Smith Barney in 1985, Prudential Bache in 2000 and ABN AMRO in 2009.
In Dec 2012, Kevin moved to HighGround Trading Group to provide his clients the same dedicated service along with the ability to use a number of different clearing firms. He consults and executes futures, options , block and cross trades for multi-national agricultural, energy and financial companies.
If anyone is interested in using his services see his contact details below.